Friday 4 July 2014

In the beginning...

By accident, I chose to become a writer.

It's true. I was ready to try anything, and I was even considering regrowing some facial hair, when I stumbled upon National Novel Writing Month in October 2011. To be fair, I'd toyed with the idea of writing stories for years, and even written the odd page of babble, but I'd never given it a serious go. So I signed up, and I started writing.

This blog is intended as a repository for the strange things that happen to me as I write. They seem to make up a good story by themselves, and it would be a shame to forget them. I intend to demonstrate how I research, deal with editing, and maybe even the mystical world of publishing.

So where am I now?

It's July 2014. Lots of stuff has already happened, and I will eventually write about some of the things that have happened. I've got one "complete" manuscript for a story called "In Exchange", and a couple of half written manuscripts for "One Key Higher" and "The Grey Herald", both of which I'm not so sure about. Certainly "One Key Higher" was an experiment, and is a story in itself. I've just started writing a sequel to "In Exchange" called "In Return", and it's way too early to say where that is going yet. "In Exchange" has been sent to three publishers so far. One didn't get back to me. Another folded. I'm waiting on the third.

Has writing changed my life?

Yes. By writing, I met the most wonderful girl, who I fell in love with, and she has since become my wife. Sometimes my own luck surprises me.

Do I make a living out of writing?

No. I have a day job (which is pretty cool in its own right, but isn't the subject of this blog). I write to please myself, and hopefully those that discover my work.

So what next?

I'll write posts here as and when I find time, to let you peep into my little world, because I know how nosey people can be.

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